UV Ovens & Workstations
JentonUV have designed and made custom light-safe ovens, turntables, jigs, conveyors and lighshelds for electronic, medical, automotive and industrial applications. Use one of our light sources or we can adapt for one you have. As much interlocking and control as you want and need.
UV Curing Drawer Type Work Station
UV Curing Drawer Type Work Station fitted with Excelitas UV LED
UV Curing Drawer Type Work Station fitted with Excelitas UV LED. Manually operated drawer with interlock for lamp start / stop. Drawer can be fitted with lock to ensure full exposure time and UV power levels, timing etc. all settable on HMI unit. Oven fitted with extraction plenum. Similar units can be supplied fitted with arc lamp or low pressure UV lamp systems.
UV Curing Conveyor Rig with LEDs
Core mounted by hand and vertical door shut
Typical of many JentonUV custom solutions, this unit was designed for precise UV exposure to coatings on motor cores. Core mounted by hand and vertical door shut. Programme starts and rotates core at desired speed and moves UV LED (or other) UV head into appropriate position and distance from core. PLC system controls all speeds and timings and advises when programme finished. Lightshielding and fume extraction included.
Rotary UV Curing System for screen printed products
UV print cure system for UV curing of screen printed inks on oil filters.
System includes servo controlled turntable and rotor-on-rotor system for precise rotation of individual filters in focus of UV curing system. Jenton UV system constructed from stainless steel including light shields and fume extraction.
UV Curing Rotary Turntable
JentonUV specialise in UV curing for industrial applications.
Typical of many systems our designs concentrate on generating exactly the right wavelength(s) of UVC from arc, low pressure or LED sources and then specifying optic/reflectors to direct that light precisely to the right place on engineered items for adhesive or coating curing. This can be via turntables, conveyors, robot arms or drawers. In all cases protection from UV is paramount and PLC controls ensure precision and consistency.
UV Conveyor Drawer Unit for UV Exposure
Designed for enhancing surface properties of special polymers in the electronics industry.
This sophisticated inerted UV Curing System, utilises a special 172nm excimer lamp and was designed for enhancing surface properties of special polymers in the electronics industry.